Report Abuse!
Call 911 in the case of an emergency. Otherwise, please call the Kansas Protection Report Center 24/7 at 1-800-922-5330.
WCH is among the leaders in the fight against human trafficking of children. If you or someone you know has become a victim of human trafficking, please call the toll-free National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 to access help and services.*
WCH is a leader in the fight against the sexual exploitation of children. Our Dakhil Safe Home is Kansas’ first and only Emergency Shelter for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. The moment a child is set free, found and removed, retrieved, or saved from a harmful situation, they are brought to the Wichita Children’s Home for safe and secure housing designed to aid in the many challenges that come with recovering from such tragedy.
The Garver House serves as a long-term placement option for female youth (ages 10-17) who have been identified as victims of human trafficking or are considered to be at risk of human trafficking. Our program provides trauma-informed services to survivors who are trying to heal from complex trauma, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault/rape, and stalking, as part of the chain of human trafficking victimization. It is a comprehensive program intended to walk with residents as they journey through the stages of struggle, growth, and success. Our primary goal is to empower these young women to heal and reclaim their lives.
The purpose of this placement is to provide youth with the opportunity to improve their decision making skills, coping strategies, and social interactions, while addressing the exploitation they have experienced. All residents receive intensive case management as well as access to drug and alcohol counseling, therapy, medication management, and bio-psycho-social-education groups. We partner with USD 259 to offer the opportunity for residents to earn their education online with assistance from teachers, tutors, school social workers, and school counselors.
Other community partners include:
* The toll-free hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week; operated by a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization; anonymous and confidential; accessible in 170 languages; and able to provide help, referral to services, training and information.